Capital Club Cigar Lounge
The Capital Club Cigar Lounge is a one-of-a-kind, members-only, premier cigar-smoking lounge in Helena, MT. We provide cigar enthusiasts with an exclusive, sophisticated venue for relaxing and enjoying the finest cigars in the finest company. Our lounge is positioned adjacent to Rocky Mountain Liquor, home to the largest walk-in humidor in the state of Montana. There, you will find a massive selection of premium cigars from around the world, the likes of which will satisfy the most discerning taste. At the center of every smoking adventure is camaraderie. Whether you’re networking and building business relationships, solidifying friendships, sitting in quiet contemplation, or reveling in your newest cigar, The Capital Club Cigar Lounge is your place for leisurely social engagements and enjoying an elevated smoking experience with like-minded company.
As a member, you will have 24/7 access to the Capital Club Cigar Lounge. Our state-of-the-art facility is equipped with a kitchenette, leather chairs suitable for royalty, and the best ventilation system money can buy. Each Capital Club member who enrolls as a “Founding Member” will receive their own, humidity-controlled, private locker for storing their favorite fine spirits and cigars.
Enjoy this unique, elevated smoking experience by purchasing YOUR Capital Club membership, today!
The Capital Club is a Signature Kristoff Cigar Lounge, named so by the Corojo King himself, Christian Luis Kristoff.