a passion for the finest cigars
since 2004
In 2004, Glen Case’s unwavering passion for cigars ignited the journey that birthed an internationally acclaimed brand, Kristoff Cigars. Renowned for producing some of the industry’s most exceptional cigars, Kristoff is dedicated to ensuring that consistently high-quality cigars are accessible to aficionados worldwide.
At Kristoff, we’re more than just a cigar company, we’re a bridge connecting cigar enthusiasts to keep the passion alive. That’s why we only use the finest double and triple-fermented premium tobaccos sourced from across the globe, artfully blended to satisfy the palate of the most discriminating cigar aficionado.
Our passion for cigars has evolved into an art form, where our desire to connect bleeds into our craft. Delving centuries back into the history of past cigar lovers, we’ve adopted the entubar method for each of our cigars. This expert technique results in cigars that are densely packed, permitting optimal airflow between the leaves, and enhancing the delivery of aromatics and flavors to your palate. Every cigar is then individually draw tested to ensure construction that delivers a perfect draw.
Because we’re committed to delivering you the smoothest smoke every time.